My TOU Registered & Protected

All of my tutorias are my own ideas and inspirations. Any resemblance to other tutorials is purely coincidental. Please do not rewrite or claim as your own.You may use my tutorials in any of your forum challenges but please link back to my blog to view. Do not claim as your own.
I would love to see what you have made send me a tag so I can put it in my gallery Thank you!

You can snag any of my extras that are offered here but please do not alter,resize,Add names, remove my copyrights or claim as your own.
Masks My masks are FTU, you can use them in your tags or for forum challenges. Please do not claim as your own or change the file names. Please share a link to my blog so others can get them from here.

Templates Masks and Cluster Frames
All Templates, Clusters, and Masks are made for PU. Please do not claim as your own. You can use them for Forum challenges but please link to my blog.

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Hi I'm Ana or grimAna. I'm a mother of 3. I love tagging, reading, drawing and I love anything to do with homemade things or DIY!


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Tuesday, August 20, 2013

This tutorial was written on August 19,2013 by me . Any similarities to other tutorials is purely coincidental.Please do not claim as your own.This tutorial writter assumes you have a working knowledge of using Paint Shop Pro.This tutorial was done in Paint Shop ProX4, but can be  use in other Paint Shop Pro versions. Please link to this blog if used for Forum Tutorials

Materials needed:
Tube: pain 2 by Michele Ann you can purchase her tubes at Artistic Dreams Imaging
Scrap Kit: FTU Demon Night by Inzpired Creationz
Mask 69 by Simone 
Template 3 by Amy & Leah's Gimptastic tuts
star brushes of choice
Font: raindrops 

Xero Radiance 
Eye Candy 4000, Gradient Glow
ScreenWorks- Dot Screen and Light Gauze

Lets Begin! 
Open up template 3 and press shift +D. close the original template,now delete the credits layer and both red doodles. Select  the lrg rect layer and go to Selections, select all  Float and defloat. Now open Select 2 colors from you tube and make it a gradient on top of the lrg rect add a new raster layer and flood fill with the gradient you have chosen. Invert, delete now add your tube invert delete and now deselect. add the Dot Screen filter and change the blend mode to screen and set the opacity to 70.  Select rectangle 1 select all, float and defloat copy your tube again resize by 75 mirror then invert and delete . Add the filter light gauze and change the blend mode again to screen and lower opacity to 70. Add your tube again and make sure it's above rectangle 2. Select the rectangle 2 layer and go to select , float and defloat. On your tube layer resize and go to invert and delete add penta Jeans to default settings. Copy your tube once again and move it so it's above the thin rect layer resize. Duplicate on the top layer add gaussian blur of 3. then set blend mode to soft light. on the bottom layer add the Xero Radiance of choice and then add shadow. On the thin rec layer copy your tube in in front of that layer  and place how ever you want I duplicated it 3 times with just the skull showing. Now add the following elements to your tag, see mine for placement:

Fog 2
grass 1 duplicate and change color to gray
grass 2
tree 2 duplicate
Web 4
Open paper 4 and add the mask. I used star brushes I found a long time ago so I don't remember were I got them from sorry. Add your name I used a font named raindrops in black and I added a medium glow of 3 in white. then change the opacity to 70. Add your copyrights and that's it! thank you for trying my tutorial!  I would love to see any results! just email me at


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